Hello middle of the week. Hump day. Midway. SLICE day!!! HOORAY!
I made this one up.
It's OK, not drop dead to-die-for fabulous, but nice. A nice slice. Quick and easy. Kid-friendly (as long as they are not allergic to peanuts.)
It's not the prettiest looking thing, but I had excellent intentions of drizzling melted white chocolate over it which I completely ran out of time to do. (I snapped these shots surrounded by friends with sharp knives. Life in my hands, I tell you.)
It's appeal to me is that it's no-bake. Not because turning on the oven and throwing a pan in for fifteen minutes is a problem, but because the oven had something else cooking in it.
This is a melt and mix. A lot like this one, but with the incredibly evil involvement of lard.
Oh yes, lard. Obviously I was without the supervision of Adam-I-draw-the-line-at-lard. I bought some once about twelve years ago to roast potatoes with (like his Grandmother taught me) and he threw it in the bin.
He said he didn't care how freaking awesome his grandmother's roast potatoes were, no lard in our house, please. Then he made some creaking sound that was supposed to be the sound of his arteries hardening. Hilarious.
I was going to use it in a medieval pastry recipe last week (that I didn't get around to) and so I snuck it into the fridge.
It does make this slice fudgy and delicious. However, using copha (like my earlier version) gives a slice more solidity and firmness. Probably better, in retrospect.
No-bake chocolate and peanut slice
75g lard
½ cup coconut cream
1 tin (400g) condensed milk
1 packet Nice biscuits (or plain sweet biscuits)
½ cup cocoa
1 cup crushed peanuts
1 cup shredded coconut
Melt the lard in a largeish suacepan. Add the coconut cream and condensed milk and stir briskly until all combined. Crush the biscuits in a food processor till fine and stir into the wet mix. Stir in the cocoa, crushed nuts and coconut.
Press into a slice tin (approx 13cm x 27cm) and refridgerate till firm.
Drizzle melted white chocolate over the top before cutting into bars, if inclined.
** creeeeeeeak **
P.S. How about a super healthy muesli bar slice next week?! Anyone?!