I had planned to blog tonight about my One Small Change inspirations and the reducing/reusing we are doing but I'm going to save it for next week when my brain isn't in frazzled mode at the top end of Friday.
Instead, thought I'd share our day with you.
One of Tilly's favourites, ingeniously named Rabbit, from Muji – I think Adam brought it back last time he was in the UK.
Representative of the soft toys everywhere today. On the stairs. In the bathroom. Under the couches. All over the floor. In varying arrays of cooperative play: a teddy's picnic, a few being put to bed, Rabbit, I believe, was supervising some illicit texta-all-over-oneself play.
Which perhaps I should have been.
Instead, I was baking.
A delicious applesauce loaf for a very dear friend who came with her littlies for morning tea (the recipe for which I'll post over the weekend. You have to make this.)
And some homemade bread. I'm planning to make more bread this year. It's cheaper, it's yummier, and you control exactly what goes in it. This recipe is pretty yummy, the combination of a couple I've used before, when I figure out the perfect balance of wholewheat/strong flour/oats/honey etc I'll post it.
Then as a treat, Henry, Tilly and I sat down to watch a movie after lunch, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (Thanks Benoss!) So much fun. With popcorn, or course. Pure old home-popped popcorn. You'd never eat the bagged microwave stuff again if you've ever tried this.
A day is not a success unless it involves paint brushes and paint, according to Tilly…
And I mooched around today in this, a recent thrift/op-shop acquisition ($6!), which I totally love.
And I used my camera's self-timer function and tripod for the first time!
Yes, perhaps I could have ironed it.
I thought you'd be distracted by the 4-month baby bump instead. No?
I'm not a very keen ironer…