Hello, Slice of Wednesday.
This above, is not what it seems. At all. It is verifiably 100% sugar-free. Oh yes. I was so proud of myself, mixing up (a made up recipe) butter, peanuts, shredded coconut, organic raw cacao nibs and cocoa, almond meal and unhulled tahini. I thought, this might just work. A sugar-free slice.
Then I served it to friends today.
ONE out of the eight that tried it actually got through one whole tiny piece. The others I relented and after one brave exploratory bite, it went in the bin.
One dearly loved friend said, and I quote, I just can't believe it tastes so bad.
Shame, hey?
Today was tough on the withdrawal front. I felt pretty dreadful. Headachy, centre of back pain, really fuzzy, just like I'd given up coffee. It hit me by surprise because I thought I'd been sailing through and then suddenly, whammo.
I ran into a nutritionist friend at school pickup who kindly said I'd feel better in two to three days and to keep going, great work. Two to three days?!? Far out.
Anyway, here's our alternative slice. Dinner. Spinach slice. Spinach from Dad, eggs from the chookhouse. Delicious. Even the kids ate it.
Spinach Slice (No sugar. Not even a tiny bit.)
1 onion, chopped
4 large eggs (I used 6 pullet eggs, little ones from new layers)
Approx 2 cups of fresh spinach leaves, roughly chopped
2 tbsp sunflower kernals
½ cup of cheese
Salt and pepper
Break the eggs into a bowl and whisk with a fork. Stir through all other ingredients. Bake on 170°C for half an hour until firm and set. Slice and serve.
You could use pinenuts instead of sunflower kernals but the kernals are cheaper and are delicious in this.
And it tastes better than a chocolate slice with no sugar. So much better.