something so beautiful

John William Waterhouse is my favourite artist of all time. 

He was an English Pre-Raphaelite painter and something about the lush medieval-style gorgeousness of his paintings struck me from when I was a teenager. 

Looking at his work, for me, has always been like taking a deep breath of warm summer air. 



This was almost my wedding dress. I had the dress maker drawing the pattern before I chickened out for something more traditional. To be honest I've always been a bit sorry. 


Anyone who knows me knows I had a print of A Mermaid on my wall from first year uni. It moved from house to house with me. When it finally disintegrated about 5 years ago, Adam replaced it with a beautifully framed print of this one:


For the medievalists!


This is probably one of Waterhouse's most reproduced paintings. Gorgeous, right?

I know it might sound a bit fey and daft but I've always felt like I recognised this painting. 

I hope you think these are as beautiful as I do!


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