So I'm working a few days a week at a new business called The Schoolhouse, a cheesemaking and tea processing place. Awesome. They've hired me to make real food, something they really believe in. Bread. Butter. Jams. Biscuits. Tarts. Perfect job? Could be.
Salted caramel macadamia shortbread.
Ninjabread men. Whose genius idea was that?!
Real food sometimes comes with travellers.
Cheesemakers! Jaden and Kirsten.
Kirst grows tea on her farm. It totally rocks, her Winter tea especially. Toasty. Mmmm.
It's a gift to be able to work at something you enjoy, isn't it. Do you?
We're winding up school over here, with school concerts and preschool parties and trying to get Christmas gifts under wraps, so to speak! Trying to be slow, and not rush the (tired) kids too much, and trying to remember that no one really cares particularly about presents but are more interested in everyone around being calm and happy and available.
It doesn't matter if I haven't soaked that fruit for a month (or at all yet), it doesn't matter if I short cut on some of the handmade gift plans I have (I do that every year!) I plan to roll into our precious one week Christmas holiday at my parents-in-law calm and happy and present.
How are you tracking? Can you find the calm?