cat lady

Hello! If you've checked in here the last couple of days and found the site down, it was! Dammit! My apologies, a technical glitch. Thanks for coming back. 

Early this morning we saw off my beloved sister Naomi and family for another six months – they live overseas and we're very lucky they visit often. I always miss them terribly when they go and don't feel much like talking.

But today turned into a lovely day: we hosted another workshop on the farm, this one was all about growing and harvesting and processing coffee, "Bean to Barista", and it went very well, we had a lot of fun (we always do) and we met a bunch of totally lovely people all into home grown coffee, small acre mixed farming and good food. It was great fun. 

But perhaps I jinxed it when I said nobody got sick…KABAM, down I've come with a dreadful headcold. 

So I'm putting myself to bed with a mug of hot lemon, ginger and honey and The Best of Jackie French (she's so awesome) and a diverting picture of our kitten. This cat took precisely two minutes to convert Adam and I from total dog people into kitten slaves. We adore it. 




Unless it's not a headcold but a dreadful allergic reaction. That would be a shame. 

Hope your head is clear. 


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