Easter awesomeness


OK, so hands up who has foil from those little Easter eggs in their teeth. 

Don't leave me out here on my own. 

Really? Only me?

In other news: we're going CAMPING!!! Tomorrow morning. For the Easter weekend. Super duper excited. Kids too, unsurprisingly.

So I'm packing up, (you'll be pleased to know we have an air mattress in the bag!) and looking forward to some big clean cold air. 

I'll be back here on Monday, hoping you all have a marvellous Easter weekend. 

One last little work in progress:

 A skirt for Tilly. Bad light. The colours are SO fun. Will finish hopefully on Monday night and admire it on my wee sweetheart next week. She's loving it, keeps attempting to try it on, pins notwithstanding. 

Happy Easter – I hope yours is full of soft squishy delicious hot cross buns and soft squishy delicious family. 

And chocolate eggs without foil.


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