Night Critters by hsinping
I discovered myself out on a limb a few weeks ago when I was talking to a super creative friend – a quilter, crafter, sewer extraordinaire (in fact, note to self, I must photograph some of Jodi's creations for you, my children are often the lucky recipients) – and I discovered she'd never heard of Etsy.
Spoiler: If you're not already wasting precious hours on, don't click through this link. Don't embrace it. If you never start, you'll never miss it.
Who am I kidding. This site rocks. It's the creative eBay. The online market for all things handmade. I adore it.
This print above I may have just ordered a few days ago – so excited. I actually first saw it on Loobylu (thanks Claire!) and waited until the artist put another print of it in her shop.
Right now I'm also loving:
I love love love this bag:
Fabric magnets (I am a total sucker for owls)
And check out this fantastic ring (I also have a thing about 'snowflakes' -
particularly in the form of special individual unique children)
Actually this is probably my favourite ring on Etsy right now:
I love just about everything in their shop. Sigh.
Anyway. There's a diversion if you like it! I'm a big folk art fan, type in 'folk art' to the Etsy search and lose a few good hours. Marvellous stuff.