
Right when you think you're old enough for your cynicism to be valid, someone surprises you.

Today, after three hours of pre-admission clinic at the Children's Hospital – yep, Henry's going in for surgery on Friday – I fronted up to the parking ticket machine and discovered I'd lost my credit card. Hmm. Last time I saw that was at a parking machine in Crows Nest. 

That's bad. 

I ferreted around in my wallet and pulled out a new credit card which had arrived to replace the old one and I hadn't gotten around to activating. Called them. Activated. And turns out someone had found my card, called my bank and cancelled it for me. HOW COOL IS THAT?! They didn't go shout a seedy bar somewhere or buy and airline ticket or go shopping. They went to the trouble of calling the number on the back and canceling it for me. 

Gives me faith. 

That, and you lot out there with all your wonderful faith and energy and fabulousness ahead of what could be a hairy week or so for Team Henry.

Two new things I found out today: 

1. He's going to wake up from surgery with his arms in splints to stop him touching his mouth or pulling the tube out of his nose. Excellent. He'll love that.

2. He'll be on a puree diet for three weeks and very soft foods for three weeks after that. 

This makes me realise he's not going back to pre-school after two weeks with a sandwich and an apple. OK then. More to the point, he won't be trampolining with Tilly for a while.

I'll be back tomorrow night then a little out of action for a week or so. I'll report in via Twitter how he's going which, if you're not a user, shows up down the right hand column. 

Thanks again for all your wonderful emails and messages of support. I really appreciate it.


PS One from the archive…

Chef 003

…for all the cooks. 


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