Today I'm grateful for
* Red jelly. The only thing Henry seems to be able to get down. A few spoonfuls of this doesn't constitute nutrition but supplemented with one mouthful of strawberry smoothie, one of soft tinned spaghetti, one of yoghurt and one of avocado across the day, I think we're OK.
* Panadol. And not kids panadol. I collapsed in a little bit of a heap today and this good old analgesic got me through.
* Old houses. Although our house costs a fortune to heat in winter, it was very very hot in Sydney today but lovely and cool inside.
* Neighbours. An impromptu evening visit from our gorgeous neighbour Clare and her three offspring, the eldest being Paloma, our babysitter and the object of Henry and Tilly's adoration, amped everyone up. We love them.
* Gardenias. My favourite flower. And in full bloom in my front garden. About 30 small plants, so fragrant, so delicious.
* Flower deliveries. Speaking of flowers. A delivery of gerbras and roses from my beautiful workmates made my day.
* And this. A new cookbook!!
Sent by my beloved Naomi to distract me from the hospital, it is such a lovely book! It's very English, but in a fabulous Jamie Oliver way. It's earthy and passionate and genuine and the recipes look fantastic.
It's organised by season and by meal (so Autumn: Breakfasts, Lunches, Suppers.) I love that.
The photography is luscious. Just my kind of cookbook.
Anyway, you're bound to see some of these pop up in the next couple of months! (Maybe not the winter salad! I might start at the back, Summer, and work forwards!)
Please. Distract me. Tell me what you're grateful for.