Have you ever been to a wedding of a very good friend, who at various times you suspected would never settle down, only to find that he picked the most perfect, most excellent match in the world, and the world is a better place because they are together?
Have you stood there as they walked into the ceremony together, with a fabulously kooky soundtrack, and just watched them both brimming with happiness, and all their friends and family actually hopping up and down with joy?
This wedding, of an old and dear friend of mine, James, to Kristi, was wonderful.
Cookie flowers on the tables and butterflies galore;
My lovely friend Coralie holding a sleeping Ivy (sorry for photographing your bra honey!);
And the gorgeous Kristi, who has made James happier than we've ever seen him, like, ever, marvellous lady.
Here's to much love, bright mornings, long lovely afternoons and fabulous togetherness.