no child at risk
freedom of speech and beliefs
an end to domestic violence
worldwise fair food distribution
and the rest.
But if if I can look on my little precious bubble of a world for a moment, deeply aware of how damn lucky I am, then happiness is:
admiring and eating our delicious ridiculous carrots, determined next time to plant from seed, not seedlings!
eating our first head of broccoli for dinner… if we'd picked it yesterday it would not have flowered (oops) but perhaps would not have been so pretty.
fresh scones for afternoon tea with friends we particularly like, using this recipe and using up the end of the blackberry jam. LICIOUS, says Ivy.
Happiness is Walmsley children up a wall. In this they take after their rock-climbing father.
Also smallest.
Manager: will the parents please get the baby off the wall?
Happiness is a simple little life that sometimes smacks you in the head with how ridiculously and incredibly lucky we are. Nutritious food on the table. Roof over heads. Clothes on back. Extended family. Friends we adore. Health. A chance to do work we find really satisfying.
Happiness is overwhelming gratitude.
(And a left over scone.)
For you? Happiness is…?