Sometimes, even when stuff's generally good, you fall in a heap, right?
It all seems a bit much, a bit hard, the days too short and the nights too interrupted. So consistently and patience-breakingly interrupted.
When the big picture doesn't make sense any more and the immediate picture makes you anxious.
I'm not a bad pep-talk-giver. I have a good go at the whole Pollyanna thing, you know, most of the time. I'm the friend whose aim it is to make you giggle, who loves people and is usually up.
It's hard when people keep telling you, you're living my DREAM you know, to reconcile it when you're not feeling at all dreamy. Just worried. And uncertain.
But as things usually do, they come around.
There's amusing small people about.
There's lots of eggs.
There's a fella who makes really cool useful stuff, including boot holders and wonderful raised garden beds (which I'll talk about more tomorrow.)
And there's precious friends whose little gifts (great brooch hey?!) and phonecalls and emergency dinners and hugs make everything excellent again.
And I spent some time today in the new vegie garden planting with my Dad.
There is nothing that is not totally excellent about that.
A highlight.
I've missed all your highlights too. Got one? I'd love to hear about it!
Missed you, it's been too long since we talked. Cup of tea?