it’s a good day for….



… chilling out after a big weekend of markets (Berry! Wonderful! Have I told you how much I love doing produce markets?!)

… being on school holidays

… catching up with lovely friends we haven't seen for ages



… penning in the roosters, ready for their one bad day tomorrow. Fourteen! Fourteen lovely Plymouth Rock roosters, that's too many in one flock! They don't keep me awake but they do wake up Adam. We gave a couple away and the rest are destined for the pot, eventually. 



… building a no-dig bed, or two. I am very lucky that right now we have a dump truck's worth of matured horse manure delivered last week down next to the market garden and a building site with piles of glorious topsoil handy. I laid down newspaper and cardboard yesterday afternoon and watered it well. Adam wheelbarrowed a few loads of manure and topsoil for me and we spread it on top. Dad showed up with the tractor this morning, first with a bucket filled with compost, the second time with topsoil. They make it very easy for me, I'm very grateful. This afternoon we have onions in one and some late brassicas in the other (which were supposed to have been transplanted in April!) We'll see. 



… dreaming of glasshouses.

… remembering the commercial kitchen needs to come before a glasshouse on the list!!



… moving the piglets to the pumpkin patch, to dig it up before I put potatoes in.


They found some I missed!


Happier than a pig in mud. 

… harvesting ginger! More on that shortly!

… finishing a beanie.



Hope you've had a cracking day. There's also nothing better at the end of the day than knowing there's a good novel waiting, right? I only read about two pages a night before I conk out, but I'm loving Burial Rites by Hannah Kent at the moment, it's truly gorgeously written. 

Here's to good days and compost. And tractors. 


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