So really, who makes lasagne on a work night?
I do.
Here's the quickest, tastiest, perhaps not low-fattest lasagne ever. Promise. Please try it. Then send me a photo of how-not-pretty-but-delicious yours is too.
1 brown onion, finely chopped
3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 tablespoon olive oil
500g lean beef mince
1 800g tin chopped tomatoes
1 small tin (equiv 1 tablesp) tomato paste
2 teaspoons mixed dried herbs (no fresh herbs in the fridge today)
salt and pepper
Cook the onion and garlic in the oil for a couple of minutes. Sprinkle the onion with salt to release the onion juices and stop it browning.
Add the meat and cook till browned.
Throw in the tomatoes, the tom paste and the herbs. Cook for another 10 mins on low heat (longer if you have the time).
To make the "Béchamel", mix 1 carton sour cream and 1 cup grated cheese together.
Then layer sauce/lasagne sheets/sour cream mix and repeat at least three times.
With any pasta, the best kind is usually 100% Durum Wheat Semolina. I found awesome lasagne sheets just at my local Franklins, all Durum Wheat Semolina, imported from Italy. Totally delicious pasta. Bargain!
That's it. Sprinkle a layer of grated cheese over the top because frankly there is not quite enough artery hardening components to this dinner. (But you don't make it that often, right?) Put in moderate oven for about 20 minutes. My kids are generally fussy, uncooperative eaters and Henry wolfed a whole serve and Tilly went back for seconds. Unprecedented.
Hope it's a hit at your place!
Like I said, not pretty. Delicious.