Here is the recipe I promised yesterday. It's a minor variation on the good old butter cake, but the yoghurt makes it so moist and light and the passionfruit flavour is delicious. They really don't need icing but a cream cheese icing or lemon icing does nicely too!
125g butter, softened
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
2 cups self raising flour
2 tablespoons vanilla yoghurt
2 tablespoons passionfruit pulp
½ cup lemon juice
Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs and mix well. Stir in yoghurt and passionfruit and then sift in the flour and mix well. Add the lemon juice and that's it! Bake as cupcakes (makes 12) or in a ring tin or bundt pan or whatever you like. Next time I'll make it as 2 loaves and freeze one I think.
Oh, um, bake at 180°C for approx 20 mins or until golden and springy.
Other things happening around here today:
:: I made yogurt!! From scratch! And gosh it was yummy. Will post about this soon!
:: I am so inspired by the yogurt making, am looking into cheese making and wishing I could go and scoop several litres of raw milk from the vat in Dad's dairy. Sigh. Anyone know anywhere around Sydney to buy raw milk?
:: I am admiring Henry's Lego skill. Seriously. The little dude can build.
:: I am snacking on small desiree potatoes baked in their skins in a slow oven in good olive oil. With a smudge of sea salt. SO good.
:: I am still besotted with my no-knead bread recipe (a fresh loaf today and a container-full squatting in the fridge, ready to go) and am overdue to post about bread. I love bread. Maybe I could go right now and just have one small piece of toast with peanut butter…
:: I have cut a pattern from the dress Ivy was wearing yesterday (no I didn't make that one, it was a gift from a friend who didn't make it either, although she has plans to pimp it once Ivy's outgrown it and give it back to me in a new form!) Anyway, it's a simple pattern and I have plans for that sweet birdie fabric from Tilly's skirt…
:: I am busy making my first Book Week parade costume for Henry, who wants to be the Gruffalo. So that's not very hard at all. For heaven's sake. The Gruffalo??! Although no Julia Donalson would have been easy and they're all his favourites: Stickman, Tiddler, Snail and the Whale…
:: I am throwing a small splash of eucalyptus oil in with my washing after reading this tip on Fox's Lane, (a delightful blog) and cheering the idea, it just makes the whole wash smell lovely.
:: I am all inspired after Adam and I went to the Organic Expo at Darling Harbour on the weekend, and am dreaming of becoming an organic vegetable farmer. Or producing organic snacks for kids. Or at least keeping chooks and having a lovely vegie garden.
What are you doing 'round your place?