lemon sago pudding

I soundly acknowledge I am not a sophisticated cook. So not. You've gathered this already.

I've catered a few degustations for large numbers but my menus were pretty simple.

I love truly skillful food blogs. You know, the ones that even beyond the really good photography are full of seriously talented food. Like this one. And this one. Oh and this one. And I love this one too. Sorry. Got distracted. 


The old lemon sago pudding. Right up there in sophisticated terms with sausages and mash. Baked eggs perhaps. Grilled cheese. I'm not knocking it. We're naming some of my favourite food here. Mmmmm. Grilled cheese. 

So Iku make a kick arse sago pudding. SO good. Dear me I've eaten a few. 

Once, I kept the container with the ingredients list and tried to replicate it. This was before I started blogging so no photographic evidence and do ya THINK I wrote down the recipe? 

I'm an idiot. 

It was pretty good.

So on that list on the left hand side I've had this thing where I wanted to recreate the Iku sago. (No recipe available as far as I can tell. The former owner of Iku has published a book which I'd love to get but I don't think the sago is in it.)

So first I made this:

Very yummy. Honestly: recipe straight off the back of the Lion Sago box. Incredibly quick and easy and delicious but not Iku's. Missing the coconut milk.

So I tried again today:

 This is really very yummy. 

But doesn't have quite the right solid consistency. Delicious and coconutty and lemony but not quite there. So I need to work my way through this batch then I'll try again (and knock it off the must-do list.)

Here's the recipe for this one, the not-quite-iku-lemon-sago-pudding


2/3 cup sago

2 cups water

1 400g tin cocount milk

3/4 cup white sugar

2 tblsp golden syrup

juice of 2 lemons

zest of 1 lemon


Soak the sago in the water for 20 mins or so. Then pop into saucepan with coconut milk and bring to low boil, stirring constantly. Once thickened, take off heat and add sugar, syrup, zest and juice. Spoon/pour into containers or one big bowl and refrigerate till firm(ish).

Gosh it's so zesty and sweet and creamy and delicious that just thinking about it I need to run out to the fridge and maybe have just one more spoonful (hence it being in numerous small containers. One big bowl would spell disaster. DISASTER. Multiple small containers minimise the damage.)

Stay tuned for the next version. 

Likely to be soon. Once I lick these containers clean.



articles & Recipes