mere trifle




Even when you bake for a living, you’ll still stuff up the occasional batch of cakes.

Unfortunately when I stuff up a batch of cakes it’s not usually, you know, one tray of twelve cup cakes.





This is a blueberry teacake. I make lots of them. I know where I went wrong this time: maths. Bloody maths. When I was carefully explaining to my mother at seventeen that if I got 51% in my HSC maths that was 1% wasted effort because I was never using maths again in my life, I failed to see that I actually wasn’t going to end up a medieval historian, but a baker. Who calculates, uses percentages and multiplies every day. 

Anyway, the arts degree that came with the medieval history encouraged imagination and so beyond the trays of failed cake there was… trifle!





The cake tasted fine, it just didn’t rise at all. Or inversely, sank to buggery in the middle. 

But in the pantry there were peaches. Preserved in January in syrup. And we make a bit of custard around here, so I found some jars and made it look vaguely deliberate.




Cake + fruit in syrup + custard = trifle. That’s excellent maths. 




I hope your day was sweet too. 

(Two days posting in a row!! Might even be able to make this a habit!)


P.S. Claire has posted a lovely wrap-up and some truly gorgeous photos of the ‘From Scratch’ workshop she came to recently!

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