more corners of home


dinner time, our place, tonight

You know I don't really know anything about blogging.

I only read my first blog this year, Soulemama, which impressed me no end, in fact, the first post I read was this one, which impressed AND inspired me. She made a felt pea, for heaven's sake. 

Were there really women not so wrung out by life and small children that they were doing such excellent crafty things? 

In May this year I had a revelation… not only were they doing them, they were blogging about doing them. Perhaps I could blog too! I love writing! Given I'm not overly crafty, I thought I'd blog about my edible craft, food! Food and feeding small children!

I thought maybe Mum and my sisters might read it.

Then I found myself digressing.

I started with food then got sidetracked into taking photos of what I'd accidentally left out of the dinner as I cooked it.

Turns out I was a long way from taking photos of a gorgeously dressed little girl playing with a felt pea I had made. 

Even my best-brownie-ever claim was hijacked by small child sticking her fingers in the photo to pick up the crumbs. 

But still, here you are! 

Thank you SO MUCH for reading my blog. I know you're there, I see the stats, even if you don't comment. (PLEASE comment! Have I told you lately how much I love reading your comments?! Thank you to my fabulous regular commenters, you make my day.)

I got an email today from a lovely reader in Germany (Hi Andrea!) who found my blog through my sister Naomi, and who reminded me why I love this so much. 

And why it doesn't matter that I'm not fabulously inspirationally crafty or artistic, that in fact, it's the underbelly of parenting that you relate to. (Or the picture of the garbage bin the kids are nearly put in, thanks, Andrea!)

So while I was going to continue my corners of home thing after I'd decluttered and sorted out the house, I realised you don't care if there's stuff all over the mantlepiece and last night's quinoa on the floor under the kids' stools (in themselves pretty scrappy) – here's one of my favourite places. Our dining table.

Organic pumpkin soup and spelt bread. IKEA cups. 3 bowls – Adam is due home any minute and his is still on the stove staying warm. No kids because they're allowed TV time while I'm cooking dinner. 

Thanks for reading, it's so nice to know I'm not going barmy on my own. 


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