old friends and new little ones

So another really sucky mid winter weekend in Sydney:


Clareville. Horribleness galore.


I have this lovely old friend Tamsin (who used to be Tammy when I knew her, but we were five), who lives in Avalon, a stones throw from Clareville Beach, in Sydney's northern beaches.

How's this for coincidence: when Adam and I were first dating (thirteen years ago), in fact, I think it was actually our first date (a party at his house), Tamsin arrived and saw me and was totally surprised, about as surprised as I was, and we were all: how do you fit into this picture?? We were a long way from Gerringong or Tamworth, where Tams family moved when we were in high school.

Turns out Ad shared a house with Tams and two others in Canberra for their last year of uni. They grilled a lot of eggplant together. Cool, hey! 

Now Tams has gorgeous twins:




and Imogen. Gorgeous northern beaches babes with sand in their toes and curls in their hair. Divine.

So we hung out here:


and played in the sand and caught up on a few years worth of news.

Tams fed us AMAZING Apricot and Lemon Cake and Carrot Cookie Sandwiches. For both of which I begged the recipes and will re-make and blog soon! 

I did make the Thai Fish Curry again that I talked of here, but although it tasted divine, it partially split (perils of coconut milk and lemon and lime). I fixed it, but want to make again before I blog it. It's the most delicious thing, I want it to be easy for you to make!!

Meanwhile, we'll settle for beaches and friends and sun hats in August.



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