Ever moved a pig?
People talk about how hard it is. Slippery wee suckers. Hard to catch, impossible to hold. In the past people have resorted to nose rings. (Yikes.)
We have four pigs, two of which who have been happily digging up our next door neighbours' future veggie patch. It was time to bring them home here before we move them next week over to the farm.
I was cooking dinner, and in next to no time I hear a call from outside and I go out on the verandah and there is Adam with our smallest pig in the wheelbarrow, giving him a little head scratch. So easy.
Henry recorded the moment on his ipod (as he does.)
Such a happy wee pig.
Strange yet effective pig transportation.
And then Adam tried to move the second pig.
I have limited photographic record of this event.
Perhaps she prefers living next door.
Maybe she didn't like the look of the weather.
Perhaps she doesn't like wheelbarrows.
Certainly she had decided she was not moving home.
Adam is not terrific at tying knots.
Let's just say he has other strengths.
Eventually, under a darkening sky, and with much, much concerned squealing from Miss Pig, he caught her.
She ran. He held on. She continued to run laps. He continued to hold on. She's probably seventy kilograms (155 pounds) and muscly and strong. And slippery. But he held on and successfully tied her legs and we carefully hoisted her into the wheelbarrow. In one fabulous movement she kicked out of his not so great knotting and was back on her feet. I provided imput on this process (no photos due to a bit too much giggling) and was eventually encouraged to leave the scene or actually be helpful.
Miss Pig is still residing next door.
Thoughts round here are we'll call in backup in the form of neighbours next week and move her straight to the farm rather than make two moves.
We've discussed this with Miss Pig and she seems cooperative. Er, theoretically.
Am helpfully googling knot-tying.