We love a fence, the Adman and I.
We're known to slow down the car to admire some fencing. One of the dairy farmers on our road just finished fencing a whole paddock and it's a thing of beauty. Taut. Effective. Tidy.
Tilly, perhaps, not as excited.
But happy to go visit the fellas out the back paddock when Adman was helping Dad do some fencing last week (i.e. learning how.)
Dad's fences are lovely. Sometimes poetic. Often electric. Something I learnt from a young age. (Am a proud under-fence-rolling expert.)
Here is Adman doing a sterling job. A lovely, lovely fence, you'd have to say.
Here is Dad, wondering when it is a good time to tell Adman he has kinda ballsed it up.
Here's Dad re-doing that bit.
Luckily for Adman he's a sufficiently amusing co-worker that fencing skills are secondary. He can also make a killer cup of coffee, useful when you're growing the stuff.
Adman had nothing to do with this one, Dad. Really.