There's something about honey cakes that makes me feel medieval. In a good way.
Honey was the sweetener of choice in the early Middle Ages (my period) and I always imagine people sitting outside little one room houses in small villages surrounded by enormous forests, nibbling honey cakes.
Which of course they weren't as they were too busy farming or sewing or brewing or baking or praying or fighting.
I also had one of these:
Duck eggs are fabulous in baking! My neighbours have a duck and gave me this.
How better to use it up than make up a pretend medieval recipe? Perfect.
These are a cross between a scone and a biscuit. Not very sweet, just a bit crumbly. Probably excellent with mead or hippocras (spiced wine) if you have them on hand. Lovely with a cup of tea. Great in a school lunchbox.
125 butter, melted
1 tblsp honey
1 egg (chook egg is fine, duck if you have one!)
2 cups self-raising flour
1 good tsp garam masala
2 tblsp milk
Stir together the melted butter, the honey, the egg and the milk until mixed well. Then sift over the flour and garam masala and mix well.
Spoon onto a greased or lined baking tray into golf ball sized balls.
Bake on 180 deg for approx 20 mins or until golden.
What's in your lunchbox this week?