




Today did not begin well.

There was a broken child-gate, a crucial one, at the top of the stairs. There was a missing lunchbox, a washing machine that is mysteriously stopping mid-cycle and a circular knitting needle snipped in two. Not entirely sure who was responsible but pretty certain her name ryhmes with silly. 

Shortly afterwards, the dogs ate one of my all-time favourite shoes. From my favourite shop in Newtown. Which has now closed down.

I also tossed many kilograms of biscotti to the chooks. Even though it's a staple on the Buena Vista Farm Bikkie list, biscotti can be tricky, and I had, last week, what round here is being called the Great Biscotti Disaster. Many, many trays not fit to sell. I've given bags away to friends but just looking at the crates of the failed stuff was bringing me down. The chooks dived on it. 

So, not feeling the love. Really not feeling it. 

But when it comes down to it, we changed this life of ours to be outside.

So that's what I did.

I followed Ivy around for about two hours, just letting her wander, trying not to think of the many other jobs that needed doing. 




When Tilly wanted to put on her (new purple) gumboots and stomp in puddles I joined her. 





We played in the trees and I imagined the edible, sensory garden in the paddock behind that one day we'll build to share with others. 





We hung about. 



And I made another crocheted flower.



Am on a roll – using this pattern, from this book…






I am on a promise of a teacosy for a friend's birthday last year, (my specialty is running about a year late with handmade gifts) and there is a teacosy with roses on it in my near future. 

Once I'm done following this wee bandit around.



Hope there's a teapot in a cosy in your life? 

Nothing quite like it to salvage a day, right?



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