What do you do to occupy small children during school (or pre-school) holidays?
Henry is the only one of my two affected – Tilly is at Daycare until preschool next year.
We're at the beginning of two weeks of a major work/babysitting juggle but we've started well.
Henry and Tilly wanted to post letters to themselves. It was Henry's idea. I thought it might be nice to post a letter to Gran or Nonny (who I assured the kids would reply) but Henry wanted to draw a picture and post it to himself instead which is what we did.
The arrival of the mail the next day was very exciting.
There was much discussion about walking back to the mailbox and posting the letters again immediately.
I suggested this time maybe we could write to Gran or Nonny and everyone thought this was a cool idea.
Tilly couldn't remember what she'd drawn so was even more excited than Henry to rip into her letter.
Wish I'd thought of this game earlier.