Reckon you can't sew?
Got a sewing machine?
This is truly the simplest thing ever, I think it took about twenty minutes. Really! I used a piece of A4 paper and cut five pieces of fabric to it. I sewed them in a line then joined them together, turned over the top to make a casing and threaded elastic through it. Hemmed it. Rick-Racked it. (Who said 'to rick rack' isn't a verb?)
This one I went to the extra trouble (er, not much) of gathering it and sewing it to a waistband. I only just learnt to gather on that last dress so wanted to practice.
I prefer this one, but the girl they were for, my beautiful niece Stella, just loves the first one. Which is what it's all about. The love. The sweet little knees. I can't believe she's two already.
The gorgeous birthday girl!
I have a very long sewing to-do list starting with gifts for two Germany-dwelling nieces with birthdays coming up, and Christmas!
Better get outta here and get on with it!