sometimes only a biscuit will do

MAY09 013

Both Adam and I have shocking colds and it's really unusual for us both to be sick (and miserable) at the same time. After about six nice cups of tea I felt up to baking some bikkies. 

My kids LOVE a biscuit, and these are a derivation of what my friends call my "visitor biscuits", based on a recipe from my Grandma. The idea being that they are SO QUICK TO MAKE (really truly) that one of my beloved gals can call by unannounced and I can pretty much get them in the oven and out again to go with the cup of tea they've just helped themselves to.

Grandma's version calls for white flour and a full cup of white sugar. My version takes into account the number of bikkies consumed by small people who go a bit funny with too much sugar. 

OK, here we go. I use pretty much all organic ingredients but that's not necessary. Please consider buying free range eggs for the sake of the chickens if you can.

125g butter (melted)
1/2 cup raw sugar 
1 egg 
2 cups wholemeal self raising flour
1/2 cup natural oatbran
2/3 cups dried cranberries (craisins)

Very simple and super fast: Melt the butter. Stir in the sugar. Stir in the egg. Add the flour, the oatbran and the cranberries. Stir. Scoop with teaspoon, roll into balls, put in rows on tray and chuck into moderate oven for about 15 mins.

AWESOME. And so tasty. Adam ate four. Very good for head colds I'm told. 

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