sushi night

You know that in my dreams I don't live in a capital city but back in the country, perhaps in a house that looks a little something like this one (from here), or with a view like this.

On nights like last night, however, I was pretty happy to be urban.

Henry has had the great fortune of staying with his Beckinsale cousins for the last couple of nights. Awesome for him. I wish I could be packed up and sent to my sister's for a few days. 

He had an absolutely wonderful time, home this afternoon, and meanwhile, so did Tilly. Except when she was looking under the couch for him. Or going to sleep in his bed. Or waking up asking where he was. Or playing a lonely game of hide and seek forgetting he wasn't in the kitchen counting down to finding her. 

So Adam and I took Tilds out for dinner last night, just the three of us. It was pouring with rain which kiboshed our idea of wandering around one very pretty nearby suburb, so we drove around for a bit and settled on sushi. It was wonderful.

Tilly devoured the udon noodles and ignored the 'baby' nori rolls with avocado. She inhaled the delicious gyoza (so did her mum) and generally made the most of having her parents to herself by barely letting us get a word in edgeways. 

They even brought her children's crockery, which delighted her.

 Almost as much as the slightly eccentric Japanese cartoon playing on the plasma screen at the back of the sushi bar.

Great fun.

And in other news, you'll never guess what my lovely boss Peter bought in for us last week: choc chip cookies that were SO DELICIOUS I asked about the recipe and he said his partner had made them: they were the Neiman-Marcus cookie!! Gosh I wish I didn't know the ingredient list a.k.a. the fat and sugar content. DAMN they were good.


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