I wonder what you are cooking this week.
Sometimes I look in the fridge and the pantry and I just struggle to figure out what to put on the table every night.
And some weeks I'm super organised and I have a menu plan designed to use up what's in the fridge and I buy only what we're going to need. No mouldy zucchini.
I always ask friends what they're cooking for dinner. It intrigues me. I have one friend who feeds her children (six and five years old) fresh mussels, curries, fabulous fish layered creations, all sorts of things. It boosts me. Inspires me to try a bit harder.
So I thought I might tell you what we think we're having this week and see if you want to join in. Some weeks around here we're all adventurous and trying new recipes and some weeks (this week) it's a market week, there's lots of hours in the commercial kitchen, and I'm throwing things into a slow cooker and wondering if there's baked beans in the freezer if we need a back up one night.
Here's the week:
Monday: Pumpkin soup with flatbread. (Note: didn't get to the flatbread.)
Tuesday: Pasta bake with tomatoes and zucchini
Wednesday: Slow cooked chicken with lentils and barley
Thursday: Zucchini slice with corn cobs and roast sweet potato
Friday: Crumbed chicken with steamed broccoli and mashed potatoes
Saturday: Homemade pizza
Sunday: Ham and herb quiche
I'd love to know what's on your table. If you have a blog and feel like blogging it, please use the linky tool below, include the url of your post and then link back here if you could.
Or you could just share in the comments.
Even if it's incomplete, or simple, or completely fabulous (i.e. you're not feeding three children seven and under?), it'll probably inspire all of us.
(And this is my first go at publishing a linky tool – hope it works!)
Happy dinner times.