the day the hens became media stars


See these girls?


They are SO ready for their close up. Which they got today. Because a TV crew came to visit to film a cooking show on the farm.






This show. LOVELY people. 

There was a bit of filming of chickens and pigs and apparently a whole lot of food.

I was mostly busy washing and delivering eggs. 

Adam was just out of shot fixing the electric fence.




And just off to their left was the pen of meat birds, scheduled to have One Bad Day next Tuesday, and of which, before I even figured out a proper mailing list, I've managed to pre-sell the lot. Really very happy about that. Very excited that a fabulous local restaurant is taking some, plus one of our pigs. 

Which leave us with, er, carrots and potatos for dinner? Oops. Not long till September is it? We'll be scheduling new batches every three weeks then, with a total of two new pens in planning!



September is also when the episodes shot on the farm will be aired. 

Celebrity chef, yes, but Adam's fabulous custom made nesting boxes on TV? ALRIGHT!



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