the new improved model


Hello gorgeous people!

Just a quick post: surgery successful! The little dude has demonstrated incredible resilience and hasn't complained once, not even in the early days. 

He has just gotten on with it, and each day has been better than the one before.

Today, above, he's home (discharged yesterday) which you can just tell has made him so happy (and the rest of us.) 

He had a very long warm shower last night which, to the observer, looked like a semi religious experience .

He's having a good go at eating but that's proving slow going – pumpkin soup + pea and ham soup winning so far, with a few spoonfuls of red jelly tonight. My Italian-mama complex is seriously kicking in: need to fatten him up!

I am so incredibly grateful that it's over, that he's OK, that he's talking and smiling and at home. 

Back here tomorrow. Have to tell you about a FAB cookbook someone particularly awesome sent me to get me through this week!


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