I wonder.
Your family?
Your friends?
For me, it might be the coffee guy at the tiny cafe round the corner from work. As he hands me my take away flat white in the morning, he's probably getting the best of me.
Today perhaps it was the NRMA guy. Who I had to call after strapping both kids in the car for the preschool/daycare drop off before I can get to my coffee guy, and found I couldn't start the car. Out of petrol. And parked on a slope. REALLY out of petrol. I didn't even know you could call the NRMA if you ran out of petrol (particularly parked out the front of your own house. Disgraceful.) But he came and put a jerry-can's worth of fuel in my car for $20 cash. He got my best smile, that's for sure. (Didn't get coffee today. Running so late as result of no-fuel fiasco ran regretfully right by the cafe and steamed into work.)
Would we expect your partner to have the best of you?
You'd kinda hope so.
Speaking of which, my best time is night time. Which is now. Off to find my Adman and remind him I can talk as well as type.
Tell me, who got your best smile today?