Joining in with Yay for Home today! Things I know: 1. The grass isn't always greener. Sometimes I wish I was someone else, or
In a short time we've become very fond of our neighbours. They're lovely. And as a special treat, one of the four legged kind had
.. scoping out sunny spots for possible vegetable gardens .. playing identify-the-citrus-tree. (Or we were, until my lovely new neighbour sheepishly admitted that because
Well hello!! I'll be honest, as my little USB modem whirred to life for the first time this afternoon, I felt the relief of a
I've always loved my Dad's office. So much so that it's weird I meandered into a corporate job for quite so long. I love his
Oh yessirree. A last minute bolt. Our favourite, favourite rabbit hole. Where else can you :: ride your bike in your jarmies? :: run
What do you do when you live in the city and wish for a moment you were in the middle of the bush? You go
Well hello! I hope you had a smashing weekend. We did. First overnight stay away with new baby: at Mum and Dad's so not really
One of my sisters had an owl just like this one forever when we were little. Owlie. Very special. My other sister found this exact