fine for YOU to laugh
Henry: (To me, while in the car, Adam driving.) How did the baby get in your tummy? Me: *cough* Really? We're having that conversation? Henry:
Henry: (To me, while in the car, Adam driving.) How did the baby get in your tummy? Me: *cough* Really? We're having that conversation? Henry:
As she's not, we're busy taking deep breaths of delicious smelling baby. Really, she smells that good. Maybe it's just me. Delicious. One week old
Hello! Thanks for all your gorgeous comments – we really appreciate it! It's totally lovely hearing from you. Ten things about my little lady, Ivy:
a little person launches themselves into the world. intact. perfect. hungry! (she'll fit right in here, then.) Just home today. All super excellent. (The
Hello! Nope, still no baby… My problem is I have thought since last Sunday that the event was imminent; but apparently not. Ah well. What do
No, not hello new baby, hello brain! (And hello enormous belly!) How interesting is acupuncture!? Wow. I had a small moment of panic as
The good news is I went back for another scan today and everything looks fine – fluid levels, blood pressure, behemoth bubba (no not really.)
Hi! At around lunchtime yesterday I took myself off to the nurse to get my blood pressure checked. I felt OK but had high blood
So we may have left it a tad late to discover whether we can fit three kids car seats across the back of our car.
(…other than the conventional way: the big tummy out front.) * Your five year old asks your three year old to share her biscuit and